Make Your Own Pizza From Scratch

Pizza is a great quick food solution for most people.  Finding a good place to buy pizza from is a whole other story.   Occasionally we hit upon a great pizza maker and we tend to almost overdose on their wares as a reaction, but if you’re like me that doesn’t happen often.  And if you’re…

Peanut Butter & Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites

Well this recipe is impressive, to say the least.  When it was shared with me on Facebook and keenly pronounces NO FLOUR, NO OIL, NO WHITE SUGAR… and technically no dairy to boot…. well I’m intrigued, excited and a little nervous about what the outcome will be.  The verdict?  YUM….let me think about it some…

Cinnamon Bun… with a twist

This is a much loved recipe of mine.   I fell in love with these cinnamon buns (bullar) in Sweden back in my teens when I lived there.  The spiced soft bread with the crunchy sugary bits were delish with coffee and a staple in every home I visited in the year that I lived…