Great Scones

Unfortunately my kitchen isn’t seeing much creativity at the moment.  It consists of fairly basic fare trying to entice my toddler to eat something beyond strawberries and plain pasta.  We’ve hit the fussy stage and as a foodie, its driving me nuts that he won’t even try some of the foods I put in front of him.    It seems in the wisdom of all toddlers that foods that were favourites at 10 months old are suddenly poison to a little man at 2.  I do know its a phase and so I’m persisting and doing some triumphant happy dances when I have a win.

I’d love to say that theses scones were in that category, but in fact they’re actually a win for the adults of this household even though there were supposed to entice a different audience.   I’ve made the recipe a few times and each variation has been a winner, light and fluffy but still satisfying as a scone should be.  They’re equally as home slathered in jam and cream as they are snuck straight from the oven with no adornment at all.  I’ve frozen them too and they make a great snack for those moments when you want a treat for one but don’t want to be baking up a storm.

Once again I have to talk about the source of this recipe being One Handed Cooks by Allie Gaunt, Jessica Beaton and Sarah Buckle (2016).  Whilst I bought it to inspire me with food ideas for my toddler, this book has been a great source of recipes for feeding the whole family.  Each recipe is well thought out, adaptable to various dietary needs, and is really practical for real cooks.  I can’t recommend the book (and their blog ) enough.    It is a real gem.

Sweet Potato and Cardamom Scones

Sweet Potato and Cardamom Scones

  • 1 cup steamed or roasted sweet potato, puréed
  • 5 tsp baking powder
  • 2 1/2 cups plain flour
  • 75g chilled butter, cut into small cubes
  • 1/2 cup buttermilk
  • 25g icing sugar
  • pinch salt
  • 1 tsp ground cardamom

Pre-heat your oven to 180c.  Line a baking tray with non-stick baking paper.

To begin with puree the room temperature sweet potato with the buttermilk.  Set to the side.

In a large bowl combine the flour, baking powder, icing sugar, salt and cardamom.  Combine until well mixed. Add the butter and rub into the flour mix until it forms a bread crumb like consistency and there is no lumps of butter left.

Add the sweet potato puree and fold through with a fork or knife until just forming a dough.  You don’t want to over mix it at this point or the scones will be tough as you’ll over activate the gluten in the flour.  Once combined pour the dough onto your bench or a board that has been dusted with flour and gently knead until a smooth dough.   Go gently and don’t overdo it.  Less is more.

Form the dough into a 2cm high flat shape and cut into even squares or alternatively cut out with a cookie cutter.  Place close to each other on the baking sheet to encourage the scones to rise not spread.

Bake for about 15 minutes or until the scones start to turn golden brown.  Allow to cook on the baking sheet slightly before transferring to a cooling rack.

These will freeze well and make a great snack for lunchboxes or when you have an unexpected visitor.

oh and if you prefer your scones plain, omit the sweet potato and cardamom and add another cup of buttermilk.

Shared With Love,

Leah xx



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