Welsh Rabbit


Welsh Rabbit by Jane Grigson

for 2

  • 4 oz (approx 100g) grated Cheddar, Lancashire or Double Gloucester cheese.  ( I went with a sharp cheddar)
  • 3 tbl sp. milk or ale
  • 1 oz butter (approx 25g)
  • 1 tsp english mustard (Dijon will work too)
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 slices toasted bread (I would suggest a sourdough or something dense)

Place the cheese and milk into a heavy based pan and heat over a medium heat until the cheese is melted and it combines well to a cream consistency. Add the butter, mustard and season with salt and pepper to taste.  Toast your bread and place onto a baking tray.  Pour the cheese mixture over the toast once well combined.   Make sure you completely cover the bread.

Place under a grill until the cheese starts to bubble and brown.

Serve immediately with a glass of red wine or a pint of Guinness.

Happy Cooking & Happy Eating,


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