Banana and Coconut Bread with Raspberries

3This banana bread recipe is one that I keep going back to, and playing with along the way.  It’s simple to make, reliable and has great flavour.  Looking for something a little different and borrowing an earlier idea of adding strawberries, I threw in 1/2 cup of frozen raspberries to the mixture and a few more for decoration and got a delicious outcome I thought was worth sharing.  Frozen berries are a great way to add extra flavour and texture to your banana bread when you are wanting something different.

The original recipe is one that I made very early on in my blogging days and can be found here: Banana and Coconut Bread. For the more evolved version which is what I use now, check out this post, Banana, Blueberry and Coconut Bread.

Shared With Love,


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