Coconut Rough

Coconut RoughCoconut Rough

  • 10 mejool dates, pitted
  • 2-3 tbl sp. coconut cream
  • 2 cups desiccated coconut
  • 1 heaped tbl spoon cocoa/cacao or carob

Place all your ingredients into a food processor and blitz until smooth.  If, like me,  you don’t have one, then place the dates and coconut cream into a jug and puree with a stick mixer and then rub the mixture into the coconut and chocolate powder to create a dryish paste.

Line a brownie tin with baking paper and then press your mixture into the tin until smooth and even.  Place into the freezer for about an hour for it to set and then cut and serve.

Kept in the fridge this treat should last a few days…. if you have that much will power.

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