In My Kitchen

March for me very much means that the year is in full swing.  Summer is starting to wind down here in Brisbane with an occassional cooler evening and I’m looking forward to being able to break out the slow cooker for some braises and soups over the coming few months.  For now though I’m settling into a routine of roasting vegetables, trying my hand at different delicious curries and mixing it up with the BBQ still occasionally.

So firstly in my kitchen this month is my coffee grinder/spice grinder… it’s helping me to transform my curries into something on a whole new level with fresher flavours and more depth and complexity.  Exploring Charmaine Solomon’s Complete Asian Cookbook  for February’s The Cook Book Guru has made a big impression on my curry making skills.


In my kitchen is Irish Soda Bread which I’ve been making on high rotation since giving the recipe a try.   It’ s so simple to make, very low maintenance compared to a yeast based bread and very satisfying for my breakfast or lunch.  I’m experimenting with different versions with seeds and nuts so stay tuned for new versions coming soon.

Irish Soda Bread

In my kitchen is a building collection of tea towels.  Some are ancient and ready to go to the kitchen in the sky, but some are brand new with pretty patterns and coloured fabrics that make me hesitate to use them for fear of ruining their appearance.  They are awesome for creating interesting settings for my blog photos and something I’m continuously keeping an eye open for when I’m out and about.  Who knew I’d turn into a tea towel collector?!?!?!?!


In my kitchen is two cheeky monkey’s dancing and looking like they are laughing at me… One was a gift from Mr G and the other from his parents at Christmas time…if you’re wondering about the significance of monkey’s in our life then check out this post on the Monkey cake from last years birthday.


In my kitchen is a collection of serving and mixing spoons….some are cheap bamboo versions purchased with an urgent need, others are Tasmanian hardwood purchased because of their bespoke shape and feel, some are gifts in the form of resin and a set of treasured french red handled salad servers.  Most I own because they are practical and they please my eye when I use them… it’s the little things that can make a kitchen feel so much like home.  For me it’s sometimes something as small as the spoons.


Thank you for taking time to check out my kitchen.  If you’d like to join in the fun make sure that you head over to Fig Jam and Lime Cordial for details.  Celia’s blog is amazing, it inspires me to try new techniques, to revisit old favourites and most of all to get a little peek into the working kitchens of other wonderful cooks around the world.

Happy Cooking and Happy Eating,


24 Comments Add yours

  1. ladyredspecs says:

    Are those cheeky monkeys still going click clack? Xx


    1. Leah says:

      Not so much, they dance but they met with a handyman and his screwdriver to deal with the ticking sound 🙂


  2. I am always tempted to buy tea towels just because they are pretty, not because I need them, so I must also a collector in the making.
    Have a super March.
    🙂 Mandy xo


    1. Leah says:

      Lol, nice to know I have good company and am not the only one. Happy march 🙂


  3. I love my dedicated spice grinder. I agree it makes all the difference to dishes. I love your tea towel collection.


    1. Leah says:

      Thank you, it’s only just a new thing which may or may not be a good thing 🙂


  4. Kat Schilke says:

    Leah, Love the spoon collection, I must confess that I have somewhat of an addiction to unusual spoons. I am composing a post about the short ribs I started yesterday for the Sunday meal planning on sharing the recipe. I will also share my spoon collection.

    Spring is on its way here in Santa Fe, NM USA


    1. Leah says:

      Oh thank you Kat, I look forward to seeing your spoons 🙂


  5. heidiannie says:

    Love the spoons! I have a collection of wooden spoons that I treasure- each time I use one I feel like I’m participating in the cookery of the ages- some have come to me from my grandmother- others passed from delightful cooks that are no longer with us!


    1. Leah says:

      Thank you! I love your thoughts about your spoons and the fact that you have wonderful family memories attached to them. Mine are all from new, but I think it would be awesome to have a history attached to them.


  6. Happy times in your kitchen, Leah! A tea towel collector – I’m so hard on mine, but I do admire yours enormously – it looks like you take good care of them! And that Charmaine Solomon book is a treasure, isn’t it? Good on you for trying out her blends, I’m lazy and tend to use a premade curry paste or powder! 🙂


    1. Leah says:

      Thank you Celia. I’ll be honest, I do protect my favourite tea towels and the others are quite trashed 🙂 as for the curries, it’s been fun to learn but I’m sure I’ll still use the premise ones now & then: time vs. effort & ingredients 🙂


  7. G’day! Love your monkeys and your tea towel collection Leah, true!
    Thank you for this month’s kitchen view!
    Cheers! Joanne


    1. Leah says:

      Thank you Joanne. Thanks for stopping by 🙂


  8. Francesca says:

    Hi Leah, I love your tea towel collection. I have to admit that I have more than one hundred. I can’t help myself. I also love the Irish soda bread and a link to your recipe. I ate this all the time in Ireland, so soft and homely and it reminded me of my maternal Irish ancestors ( not sure why). Food can do this. Looking forward to more versions.


    1. Leah says:

      Thank you Francesca. Wow, what a collection of tea towels, I’m impressed 🙂 I’m really enjoying the Irish soda bread, the latest version had poppy seeds in it and it was divine. Still a work in progress but i’m getting there I think 🙂 Leah


  9. Sally says:

    Love soda bread – it’s so simple to put good bread on the table quickly. Collect tea towels – it’s an obsession.


    1. Leah says:

      Oh I’m glad I’m not the only one with a tea towel habit 🙂


  10. Glenda says:

    Hi Leah, your bread looks fabulous. I can imagine having some with a big bowl of soup.


    1. Leah says:

      Thank you. I had it for breakfast as toast with butter & honey and was delicious 🙂


  11. nancy@jamjnr says:

    Your tea towels look too fancy for the kitchen! I think I must trash mine I go through so many now I buy them in bulk from Aldi!! Your soda bread looks fab.


    1. Leah says:

      LOL… you’re so right. These are the ones that I protect from trashing, you should see the everyday ones 🙂


  12. I have a coffee grinder too, which is only used for making spice and herb mixes. I certainly wouldn’t want to contaminate it with actual coffee lol.


    1. Leah says:

      Hi Glenda, I’m so the same, although this one did start its life as a coffee grinder and not such a good one. I’ve found its reincarnation is much more effective and productive for me 🙂


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