Basil Pesto

Pesto is an incredibly versatile thing to have in your kitchen.  It is perfect for the busy household when you need a quick meal, and in my experience, kids love it as much as adults do. And if you’re keen to make Pesto from scratch and love the idea of gardening, basil is possibly one…

Peanut Butter and Strawberry Muffins

Strawberries are in season at the moment in Brisbane and I’m finding myself buying them by the kilo I’m eating that many.  The price is right so I’m not holding back.  It does mean at times there is a few too many hanging around so I’m happy to throw a few into my baking if…

Apple and Cinnamon Pancakes

Pancakes are the perfect Sunday treat in my mind, something to be lingered over leisurely with a cup of milky coffee and good conversation.  Their only downfall in my opinon is that they are best eaten straight from the pan which means someone cooking whilst the rest are eating.  Fortunately my kitchen area is open…

Hob Nobs

How have I not made Hob Nobs sooner?  It’s quite astounding when I can confess to having a borderline obsession with chocolate hob nob biscuits.  I’m pretty sure I love the texture & flavour equally and if they’re in the house they are unlikely to last more than a day. Needless to say, they are…

Vegetarian Curry Puffs

I’m putting it out there, I’m a massive fan of curry puffs. Our local Thai restaurant make some of the best I know with crumbly, buttery pastry and a tasty filling with just the right amount of bite to whet your appetite. Until now I’ve preferred to leave the curry puff making to the experts…

Spiced Carrot Fritters

Zucchini fritters are a favorite in our house as you’ve no doubt noticed on the blog from the number of posts.   With an over abundance of carrots in the fridge I thought it might be time to experiment a little and get to play with the new mandolin that I picked up at Daiso for…

The Versatility of Zucchini Fritters

Zucchini fritters are a favourite in our house. They often don’t make it far beyond the pan before being snacked on with a dash of sweet chilli sauce. So the good news is that when it comes to making them there is no strict recipe that I follow, although the fundamentals remain the same.  I’ve…

A Simple Carrot Salad

  Jane Grigson spends most of her Vegetable Book cooking the various bounty on offer.  Occasionally though you encounter a beautiful salad snuck in the long list of recipes.  This is the perfect example of something simple and effective in its creation. In fact there is no recipe as such, just a suggestion of a…

Toulouse-Lautrec’s Gratin of Pumpkin

When browsing through a cookbook some recipes literally leap from the pages and beg for more attention.  Generally it is the ingredient combination that appeals to me first, but in this case it was the recipe combined with a wonderful tale of the origins of the dish, being inspired by the colours of a piece of…

Jane Grigson’s Gazpacho

This month begins a new year of The Cookbook Guru, an online cookbook club, where food bloggers from around the world share their cooking experiences from the same cookbook.  Last year by participating I discovered new recipes, learnt new techniques and challenged myself with recipes that I had previously found too intimidating to attempt.  This…

A Bundle of Greens

Recently I inherited an old copy of Home Beautiful magazine.  It’s a publication I’m always more than happy to have a browse through to get some new idea’s for home decoration, but also for foodie inspiration.    When I saw this idea in a special food lift out I instantly grabbed it as something that…

Fresh Produce and Candied Walnuts

I’m one of those foodies that can never really get my head around the idea of delivered fresh groceries.  I know it would be convenient, probably cheaper and I could choose to support a local business, but I have a thing about my fresh grocery shopping.  I like to be inspired by my senses, all…